In the twenty-third century, the universe is threatened by evil. The only hope for mankind is the Fifth Element, who comes to Earth every five thousand years to protect the humans with four stones of the four elements: fire, water, Earth and air.
And so the stage is set for The Fifth Element (one of our favorite movies - a 1997 sci-fi with Bruce Willis, Milla Jovovich and Gary Oldman). One scene features a Blue Diva, played onscreen by Maïwenn Le Besco. Maïwenn thought her cameo was quite short and unimpressionable, but she had no idea she would ultimately have a huge cult following. (Especially among sopranos and opera lovers everywhere.) Her performance as the alien diva Plavalaguna is actually lip-synced to a recording by the incredible Albanian soprano Inva Mula. She begins with "The Mad Scene" "Il dolce suono" aria from the opera Lucia di Lammermoor, written by Gaetano Donizetti. It is breath-taking and Mula's voice sounds like melted butter, effortless and perfect.
Ahhhhh. I am learning The Mad Scene - it is lovely.